TWO AMERICAN WOMEN was a diptych I entered this into a juried show at the JRAC nearly 10 years after the CHICS WITH GUNS SERIES. The juried show was 'WOMEN: REFLECT, REJOICE, REFORM. Justice Weaver has since passed since this show and the art I created and its entry below. She was aware of my creation of this entry and supported my entry.
The entry description fall 2013:
‘TWO AMERICAN WOMEN: Chief Justice Elizabeth A. Weaver & Modern Day Annie Oakley ‘ are pieces representing women and their accomplishments in both past and present roles.
- ‘Chief Justice Elizabeth A. Weaver’ - her life work in education and law and philanthropy for children speaks for itself in how it fits into ‘REFECT, REJOICE, REFORM’. She has been and continues to be a pioneer in all three aspects of this show for ‘the people’, women and children- their legal rights and representation of their rights. She believes in revealing the truth and righting corruption in our legal systems.
- ‘Modern Day Annie Oakley’- fits all aspects of this show ‘REFLECT, REJOICE, REFORM’. She was a pioneer for equality for women in sports (the use of the gun and physical and mental exercise- equal too and better than a man), philanthropy for women’s rights and other causes, as well as pursuing her legal rights that had been violated in her career.
Modern Day Annie Oakley and Chief Justice Elizabeth A. Weaver’s spirit are part of different generations and eras but continue to inspire and thrive in the modern day woman. They represent courage, will power, raw talent and discipline, inspiration, conviction , determination, and THE TRUTH .
These were large canvases painted in acrylic with mixed media. Approximately 48"x 48" and 48"x 60'?.. canvases, framed in repurposed, stained knotty pine. Again, this is artistic expression, process, humor, attitude. This is not condoning violence nor a political statement regarding guns. Again, I entered these piece in a juried contest as examples of strong modern day women, who put all they had into fighting for women’s rights. They represent courage, conviction, natural aptitude, will, foresight in all that they have done. They paved ways, created change and inspire.